
This section is auto-generated from the help text for the tripaille command analysis.

add_analysis command


tripaille analysis add_analysis [OPTIONS] NAME PROGRAM PROGRAMVERSION


Create an analysis


Analysis information


--algorithm TEXT      analysis algorithm
--sourceversion TEXT  analysis sourceversion
--sourceuri TEXT      analysis sourceuri
--description TEXT    analysis description
--date_executed TEXT  analysis date_executed (yyyy-mm-dd)
-h, --help            Show this message and exit.

delete_orphans command


tripaille analysis delete_orphans [OPTIONS]


Delete orphans Drupal analysis nodes




--job_name TEXT  Name of the job
--no_wait        Return immediately without waiting for job completion
-h, --help       Show this message and exit.

get_analyses command


tripaille analysis get_analyses [OPTIONS]


Get analyses


Analysis information


--analysis_id TEXT     An analysis ID
--name TEXT            analysis name
--program TEXT         analysis program
--programversion TEXT  analysis programversion
--algorithm TEXT       analysis algorithm
--sourcename TEXT      analysis sourcename
--sourceversion TEXT   analysis sourceversion
--sourceuri TEXT       analysis sourceuri
--date_executed TEXT   analysis date_executed (yyyy-mm-dd)
-h, --help             Show this message and exit.

get_analyses_tripal command


tripaille analysis get_analyses_tripal [OPTIONS]


Get analysis entities


Analysis entity/node information


--analysis_id INTEGER  An analysis entity/node ID
-h, --help             Show this message and exit.

load_blast command


tripaille analysis load_blast [OPTIONS] NAME PROGRAM PROGRAMVERSION


Create a Blast analysis


Loading information


--blast_ext TEXT         If looking for files in a directory, extension of the
                         blast result files
--blastdb TEXT           Name of the database blasted against (must be in the
                         Chado db table)
--blastdb_id TEXT        ID of the database blasted against (must be in the
                         Chado db table)
--blast_parameters TEXT  Blast parameters used to produce these results
--query_re TEXT          The regular expression that can uniquely identify the
                         query name. This parameters is required if the
                         feature name is not the first word in the blast query
--query_type TEXT        The feature type (e.g. 'gene', 'mRNA', 'contig') of
                         the query. It must be a valid Sequence Ontology term.
--query_uniquename       Use this if the --query-re regular expression matches
                         unique names instead of names in the database.
--is_concat              If the blast result file is simply a list of
                         concatenated blast results.
--search_keywords        Extract keywords for Tripal search
--no_parsed TEXT         Maximum number of hits to parse per feature.
                         Default=all  [default: all]
--no_wait                Do not wait for job to complete
--algorithm TEXT         analysis algorithm
--sourceversion TEXT     analysis sourceversion
--sourceuri TEXT         analysis sourceuri
--description TEXT       analysis description
--date_executed TEXT     analysis date_executed (yyyy-mm-dd)
-h, --help               Show this message and exit.

load_fasta command


tripaille analysis load_fasta [OPTIONS] FASTA


Load fasta sequences


Loading information


--organism TEXT          Organism common name or abbreviation
--organism_id INTEGER    Organism ID
--analysis TEXT          Analysis name
--analysis_id INTEGER    Analysis ID
--sequence_type TEXT     Sequence type  [default: contig]
--re_name TEXT           Regular expression for the name
--re_uniquename TEXT     Regular expression for the unique name
--db_ext_id TEXT         External DB ID
--re_accession TEXT      Regular expression for the accession from external DB
--rel_type TEXT          Relation type (part_of or derives_from)
--rel_subject_re TEXT    Relation subject regular expression (used to extract
                         id of related entity)
--rel_subject_type TEXT  Relation subject type (must match already loaded
                         data, e.g. mRNA)
--method TEXT            Insertion method (insert, update or insup,
                         default=insup (Insert and Update))  [default: insup]
--match_type TEXT        Match type for already loaded features (name or
                         uniquename; default=uniquename; used for "Update
                         only" or "Insert and update" methods)'  [default:
--job_name TEXT          Name of the job
--no_wait                Do not wait for job to complete
-h, --help               Show this message and exit.

load_gff3 command


tripaille analysis load_gff3 [OPTIONS] GFF


Load GFF3 file


Loading information


--organism TEXT               Organism common name or abbreviation
--organism_id INTEGER         Organism ID
--analysis TEXT               Analysis name
--analysis_id INTEGER         Analysis ID
--import_mode TEXT            Import mode (add_only=existing features won't be
                              touched, update=existing features will be
                              updated and obsolete attributes kept)')
                              [default: update]
--target_organism TEXT        In case of Target attribute in the GFF3, choose
                              the organism abbreviation or common name to
                              which target sequences belong. Select this only
                              if target sequences belong to a different
                              organism than the one specified with --organism-
                              id. And only choose an organism here if all of
                              the target sequences belong to the same species.
                              If the targets in the GFF file belong to
                              multiple different species then the organism
                              must be specified using the
                              'target_organism=genus:species' attribute in the
                              GFF file.')
--target_organism_id INTEGER  In case of Target attribute in the GFF3, choose
                              the organism ID to which target sequences
                              belong. Select this only if target sequences
                              belong to a different organism than the one
                              specified with --organism-id. And only choose an
                              organism here if all of the target sequences
                              belong to the same species. If the targets in
                              the GFF file belong to multiple different
                              species then the organism must be specified
                              using the 'target_organism=genus:species'
                              attribute in the GFF file.')
--target_type TEXT            In case of Target attribute in the GFF3, if the
                              unique name for a target sequence is not unique
                              (e.g. a protein and an mRNA have the same name)
                              then you must specify the type for all targets
                              in the GFF file. If the targets are of different
                              types then the type must be specified using the
                              'target_type=type' attribute in the GFF file.
                              This must be a valid Sequence Ontology (SO)
--target_create               In case of Target attribute in the GFF3, if the
                              target feature cannot be found, create one using
                              the organism and type specified above, or using
                              the 'target_organism' and 'target_type' fields
                              specified in the GFF file. Values specified in
                              the GFF file take precedence over those
                              specified above.')
--start_line INTEGER          The line in the GFF file where importing should
--landmark_type TEXT          A Sequence Ontology type for the landmark
                              sequences in the GFF fie (e.g. 'chromosome').
--alt_id_attr TEXT            When ID attribute is absent, specify which other
                              attribute can uniquely identify the feature.
--create_organism             Create organisms when encountering organism
                              attribute (these lines will be skip otherwise)
--re_mrna TEXT                Regular expression for the mRNA name
--re_protein TEXT             Replacement string for the protein name
--job_name TEXT               Name of the job
--no_wait                     Do not wait for job to complete
-h, --help                    Show this message and exit.

load_go command


tripaille analysis load_go [OPTIONS] NAME PROGRAM PROGRAMVERSION


Create a GO analysis


Loading information


--organism TEXT        Organism common name or abbreviation
--organism_id INTEGER  Organism ID
--gaf_ext TEXT         If looking for files in a directory, extension of the
                       GAF files
--query_type TEXT      The feature type (e.g. 'gene', 'mRNA', 'contig') of the
                       query. It must be a valid Sequence Ontology term.
--query_matching TEXT  Method to match identifiers to features in the
                       database. ('name', 'uniquename' or 'dbxref')  [default:
--method TEXT          Import method ('add' or 'remove')  [default: add]
--name_column INTEGER  Column containing the feature identifiers (2, 3, 10 or
                       11; default=2).  [default: 2]
--re_name TEXT         Regular expression to extract the feature name from GAF
--no_wait              Do not wait for job to complete
--algorithm TEXT       analysis algorithm
--sourceversion TEXT   analysis sourceversion
--sourceuri TEXT       analysis sourceuri
--description TEXT     analysis description
--date_executed TEXT   analysis date_executed (yyyy-mm-dd)
-h, --help             Show this message and exit.

load_interpro command


tripaille analysis load_interpro [OPTIONS] NAME PROGRAM PROGRAMVERSION


Create an Interpro analysis


Loading information


--interpro_parameters TEXT  InterProScan parameters used to produce these
--query_re TEXT             The regular expression that can uniquely identify
                            the query name. This parameters is required if the
                            feature name is not the first word in the blast
                            query name.
--query_type TEXT           The feature type (e.g. 'gene', 'mRNA', 'contig')
                            of the query. It must be a valid Sequence Ontology
--query_uniquename          Use this if the query_re regular expression
                            matches unique names instead of names in the
--parse_go                  Load GO annotation to the database
--no_wait                   Do not wait for job to complete
--algorithm TEXT            analysis algorithm
--sourceversion TEXT        analysis sourceversion
--sourceuri TEXT            analysis sourceuri
--description TEXT          analysis description
--date_executed TEXT        analysis date_executed (yyyy-mm-dd)
-h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

sync command


tripaille analysis sync [OPTIONS]


Synchronize an analysis




--analysis TEXT     Analysis name
--analysis_id TEXT  ID of the analysis to sync
--job_name TEXT     Name of the job
--no_wait           Return immediately without waiting for job completion
-h, --help          Show this message and exit.